Grain processing plants need reliable industrial sump pumps for runoff, wash down areas, spent grain, or waste mash. Most pumps repeatedly clog and fail from the demands of pumping debris and slurry. The unique pneumatic displacement design of Pitbull Pumps‘ solid handling grain pump allows the movement of slurries and solids through its wide passages without clogging. These pumps have a simple yet effective design that involves a hollow chamber and two check valves, making them ideal for various applications involved in grain processing. This pneumatic powered pump doesn’t require electric motors, impellers, diaphragms, or seals. Conventional pumps typically struggle to handle solids, debris, and thick or corrosive sludges. Thanks to the solid handling grain pump’s simple design, spent grains, mash or washdown solids are no trouble. In addition, the product is explosion-proof. The pneumatic design keeps everyone safe from shock hazards, reduces installation costs and requires significantly less maintenance.
Pitbull Pumps are manufactured entirely in the United States from high-quality materials, ensuring you’re left with a pump that will hold up for years to come. Our durable materials are also resistant to corrosion and abrasion.